
I’ll keep this short…

I’m Niina and I enjoy cooking and all things food related. In the kitchen I focus on  fresh and clean ingredients with lots of herbs and spices. While mostly healthy(ish), this will not be a health food blog. I will try different recipes and  will share my successes as well as my failures and everything in between. When I try a recipe from another source I will credit the source so you can see what inspired me. Otherwise these recipes are either my own or combinations of multiple different sources. All pictures are taken by myself unless specified differently. I may post about a restaurant or a specific dish that I tried that was exceptional and share my thoughts with you.

A little bit about myself, I was born and grew up in rural Scandinavia on a farm where I learned the value of strong work ethic and the importance of integrity at an early age. The early days were filled with interacting with food in the purest forms, whether it was eating strawberries and raspberries right from the bush or pulling carrots from the ground, giving them a quick wash and enjoying them as is. It was rewarding to see my parents sow the seeds in the spring, see the crops of wheat, rye, barley and oats grow as the long Scandinavian summer days progressed and finally be able to witness the harvest in the fall. 

As life often is unpredictable & after several turns, I ended up on the US east coast with my family where I have had the privilege to watch my boys grow into wonderful young men while also having a fulfilling career in finance. While I have always enjoyed cooking and experimenting with different recipes, the time has come to fulfill one of my longtime dreams and share my cooking musings with you. I hope you will enjoy the journey with me and welcome comments or questions at hello@niinaskitchen.com

The credit for graphic and website design goes to my talented son who works on brand and web marketing in New York City.

Thank you for your time and come back to see me again soon!

